Medical Instrument Supplier in Bangladesh. Surgical and medical instruments and outfit, orthopedic, prosthetic, and surgical instruments and inventories, X-ray instruments and tubes and affiliated radiation instruments, electromedical and electromedical appliances and artificial medical instruments.
Product Overview of Medical Instrument
A Functional first, medicinal, which deal directly with the body at a deeper and further introductory position. Cellular and sub-cellular foundations. Medical bias represent one of the most complex technologies developed by humanity. Medical instruments offer a wide variety of tools, ranging from small objects to huge and complex machines. To get some perspective on the field we can start by grouping the instruments and bias into four sections individual, corrective, remedial and artificial. To this bone
can add helpful tools, inventories and bias that cover the case or caregiver.
Health Care of Surgical Instrument
This includes the corrective instruments used in surgery, and the instruments used in orthopedic and dental work conditioning that intrude with and modify the body to correct blights. numerous of the instruments used in this system are to drill napkins and/ or or cut bones and teeth. bias that remain temporarily or permanently, similar as masses, plates and screws, fall into this order. To help with microsurgery, the surgeon or dentist is supported by a wide range of instruments ranging from forceps, clamps and suturing needles to complex technical instruments including microscopes. Other bias are designed to help the case, veritably help for life.
Home Health Care of Medical Equipment
Including anesthesia outfit, intravenous transfusion outfit, heart- lung outfit, and observation bias consulted during surgery. Special operating tables and lighting systems with surgery, dental chairpersons are grouped with dentures, while operative postoperative instruments similar as orthopedic braces are part of the corrective device is veritably nice.
In these four main orders, the following orders have been added Supporting tooling, inventories, and bias that don’t fluently fit into the main orders. exemplifications include products that give special surroundings similar as incubators for children, oxygen canopies and technical sanitarium cabinetwork. Detergent bias, including autoclaves and ultrasonic medical cleaning outfit, are part of medical bias, as are all types of defensive bias similar as radiation shielding aprons, wastes and gloves. There are numerous sections of integral force from this group that are directly related to instrumentation, similar as high- machine ligature and sewing.
At Aleef Surgical you will find all kinds of medical equipment, medical disposable product, home health care essential, paraphernalia, crutches, walker, wheelchair, Commode Wheelchair, Electric Wheelchair, Toilet chair, urine pot, bed pen, lumbar corset, Caesar belt, elbow bag, medical Doctor apron, medical gown, mask, shoe cover, PP, hospital bed, wheelchair, stretcher, patient trolley, ambulance trolley, medical oxygen,
About Aleef Surgical
Aleef Surgical was established in 2001 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Aleef Surgical is a Leading Manufacturer of goods including Home health care Products, Orthopedic products, Laboratory Equipment, Physiotherapy Equipment, Hospital general instruments, Hospital, General ENT Instruments, Gynecology Instruments, Medical Apron, Croakers Apron or Court, Medical Clothing, Medical Furniture and Rectum Surgery, Sanitarium Surgery, Sanitarium Surgery, Sanitarium Surgery, Dealers and Importers. ICU Beds, Case Bed, OT tables, Examination tables and ward outfit, OT lights, sanitarium stretchers, wheelchairs and suction machines. The company’s client support system is equipped to give after- deals service and home delivery to valued guests to achieve complete” client satisfaction” through business ethics is Great. We supply products each over Bangladesh

Medical Instrument Supplier in Bangladesh
Aleef Surgical Ltd
Plot: C/35, Purobi Super Market (1st Floor)
Shop No: A-105-107, Main Road, Mirpur-11
Office Phone: 02-41000286
Mobile: 01713-992472, 01713-55152