Surgical Gauze Price in Bangladesh
Surgical gauze roller bandage drying, loosely woven, cotton fabric. It does not adapt well to uneven surfaces and should not be used on shoulder, elbow, groin and fungus prone areas. It is primarily used for bleeding wounds in the upper arm, forearm, thighs and lower legs.
Roller Bandage Price in Bangladesh
A roller bandage is a roll-ready gauze or a strip of cotton material. Roller bandages can be used to stabilize injured parts of the body, apply pressure to control bleeding, absorb drainage, and make safe dressings
Gauge roller bandages
Gauge & bandage drying, loosely woven, cotton fabric. It does not adapt well to uneven surfaces and should not be used in fungus prone areas such as shoulders, elbows, groin and other joints. It is primarily used for bleeding wounds in the upper arm, forearm, thighs and lower legs.
Elastic roller bandage
The elastic bandage is made of fabric and elastic which allows it to stretch and retract. It is consistent with uneven surfaces and applies pressure even to covered areas. It is used to apply pressure and / or restrict movement. Elastic bandages are commonly used when a sprain needs to be immobilized. Make sure the bandage is not tight enough to restrict blood flow unless it is used as a pressure dressing.
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