Medical Tips

What is a first aid box? What are the items in the first aid box?

First aid box and equipment

The box that contains the first aid items is called the first aid box.
A first aid box is an essential item.
In case of any untoward accident, having a first aid box at hand can easily give first aid to the patient without running around. It also reduces the restlessness of the patient and surrounding people. First aid plays a very effective role in saving the patient from more serious physical injuries and critical situations due to accidents or any other reason. The primary goal of primary care is to reduce mortality through prompt management.
Everyone needs to have a first aid kit and basic knowledge of first aid. Very useful in times of danger. The first aid box is portable.

First aid box and equipment
First aid box and equipment

First aid boxes can be kept in school-college, office-court, factories, and even houses or cars. First aid kits at home and in the car can be quickly retrieved from the first aid box.
First aid box materials can be added or removed depending on the location. Various industrial establishments like factories and garments may require some additional materials. For home, office, school-college, and car all first aid boxes are sufficient with simple materials. Because there is no heavy work here. Especially industrial first aid requires many types of materials.
Medical care has been modernized over time. Medical equipment has gone digital. This has affected the first aid box. The old system needs to be modernized by changing the materials. For this, you need to go to a good surgical store where you can get the materials as per your requirement. If you live in Bangladesh then you can come to Aleef Surgical where you can buy all medical equipment of modern quality and wholesale price.
Take the first aid boxes as the size you need. Usually, the boxes are the medium size for keeping in a home, office, or car. Industrial boxes are a bit bigger because there are more components.

What materials should be kept in the first aid box?

Sterile Gauze, Roller Bandage, Surgical Scissors, Absorbent Cotton, Forcep, Triangular Bandage, Micropore, Diabetes Machine, Oximeter, Blood Pressure Machine, Antihistamine, Burna Cream, Povisep, Leucoplast, Safetipin, etc
Here is a list of materials that are commonly included in a first aid box.

  1. Sterile Gauze Piece: Stops bleeding from wounds and reduces bacterial infection. It keeps the wound safe, prevents contamination, and absorbs exudate from the wound.
  2. Roller Bandage: A roller bandage is used to keep the dressing firmly in place or in case of excessive bleeding, twist the bandage with pressure to stop the bleeding. When plastering by hand, if there is a cut, the roller bandage should be tightly wrapped around the area.
  3. Scissors: Scissors are required to cut dressings, gauze, bandages, scalp hair, etc. as needed (Surgical scissors).
  4. Leucoplast: Need to put a bandage on the wound. Players need it more when sprained somewhere.
  5. Antiseptic lotion or cream: Needed to clean and disinfect the wound. Such as Savlon, Hydrogen Peroxide, Povisep, etc.
  6. Tweezers: Useful for removing thorns, small objects or splinters, insect stings, etc. from the body. (Stainless still)
  7. Crepe Bandage: If a bone is cracked or sprained, using a crepe bandage reduces pain and swelling.
  8. Safety Pin: A safety pin is used to remove splinters from cuts or wounds, secure bandages, and keep them in place. It is light, strong, and safe.
  9. Antihistamin: Histacin, Fexofenadine etc. They are helpful in treating colds, sneezing, cough, itching, and insect bites.
  10. Pain medication: paracetamol.
  11. Burn Cream: Used to reduce pain and dry up sores. Bernal or Silverazine cream.
  12. Thermometer.
  13. Diabetes Machine: If blood sugar rises or falls at any moment, people faint. So a glucometer is essential.
  14. Blood pressure Machine: If blood pressure increases or decreases, neck pain, and nausea may occur. High blood pressure should be treated promptly.
  15. Oximeter: We all know this small device for the current corona epidemic. The amount of oxygen in the blood can drop at any moment, so oxygen cannot be given without measuring the oxygen.
  16. Sufratuli: It is a germ-free bandage. If you get a cut or bruise, you should first apply Sufratuli and then bandage it with a roller bandage.
  17. First Aid Bandage: A small bandage that stops bleeding and relieves pain.
  18. Orsaline: Orsaline is very useful in cases of sudden diarrhea or low blood pressure.

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